Accelerate the speed of growth and upgrade - 2011: The apparel domestic market needs to pay attention to four new trends

In 2010, the sales growth of the apparel market accelerated the sales growth year-on-year. Compared with the previous year, the year-on-year growth rate was significantly accelerated. In 2010, the apparel market in China achieved a good sales trend, which showed an accelerating increase year-on-year. According to the data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the retail sales of apparel products above designated size in the wholesale and retail trade in 2010 increased by 25.8% year-on-year, which is 5 percentage points higher than that of the previous year.

According to the statistics of the China National Business Information Center, the retail sales of apparel products of key large-scale retail enterprises nationwide increased by 21.2% year-on-year, 5.6 percentage points higher than the previous year; the retail sales of all types of clothing increased by 10.2% year-on-year, 2.9 times higher than the previous year. Percentage.

The price of branded apparel products rose significantly in the same period of last year. The clothing prices of key large-scale retail enterprises nationwide increased by 19.1% year-on-year, higher than the growth rates in 2008 and 2009.

The accelerating increase in the price of branded apparel continues to dominate the growth in apparel retail sales. According to the calculation, in 2010, the increase in the unit price of apparel merchandise in national key large retail enterprises continued to increase by more than 50% to 51.7. %.

Apparel consumption upgrades are obvious. Upgrading of high-end commodity sales is fast. In 2010, China’s apparel consumption has been upgrading significantly. It is mainly reflected in the preference for high-end shopping malls, and the demand for high-end apparel has grown rapidly.

According to statistics from the China National Business Information Center, the retail sales of high-end large-scale retail enterprises in clothing increased by more than 30% year-on-year to 31.2% in 2010, which was significantly higher than the 19.2% of mid-tier retail enterprises and 18.4% of low-end retail enterprises, which is higher than the overall level. 10% higher.

The average annual growth rate of high-end women's retail sales with a price of over 2,000 yuan has reached 50.6% in the past three years, which is obviously higher than the average annual growth rate of 24.2% for the women's overall market; the retail sales volume of men's suits with a price above 2,000 yuan in 2010 The proportion was 5.8%, and the proportion of retail sales was 23.2%, both significantly higher than the previous year.

First-tier cities’ large-scale retail enterprises’ clothing sales growth accelerated Significantly, in 2010, clothing retail sales of large-scale retail enterprises in first-tier cities increased 21.5% year-on-year, exceeding the national level for the first time in four years, and the growth rate reached 9.6 percentage points compared to 2009. Higher than the national 5.6 percentage point increase.

The growth rate of retail sales in first-tier cities has been accelerating. On the one hand, the increase in consumption after the financial crisis is an important reason. On the other hand, the demand factor for consumer gentrification has also led to growth in sales of first-tier cities concentrated in North Korea, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and other high-end commodities.

Online shopping has become an important sales channel for clothing. After years of continuous development, clothing online sales have met the needs of current consumers to a large extent, stimulated the growth of consumption, and the market has continued to expand. It has become an important sales channel for the apparel market.

Mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, the proportion of residents' clothing online shopping accounts for the overall apparel consumer expenditure as compared to 2009 increased by 3 percentage points to reach 9%; Second, the online sales model of clothing continues to increase, and the diversified development trend is significant. , The market competition is very fierce; Third, the apparel brand companies to integrate channels, and vigorously expand online sales; Fourth, more and more luxury goods to help the network to stimulate sales growth, luxury online shopping has become overwhelming, there has been Fifth Avenue, the United States and the West , YOOX Group and other luxury retail websites.

The degree of brand concentration decreased compared with that of the previous year. The growth of high-end brands was fast. In 2010, the brand competition in the apparel market was significantly aggravated, and the level of overall concentration had a significant decline from the previous year. According to the statistics from the China National Business Information Center, the average concentration of the top ten brands of 16 categories of goods was 37.5%, a decrease of 0.69 percentage points from the previous year.

While the brand concentration was declining compared to the same period of last year, the brand structure of clothing sales in key large-scale retail enterprises in the country also changed significantly. That is, the market share of high-end clothing brands grew rapidly. For example, Armani, Zegna, Sabatini, and Dunhill etc. The comprehensive market share of the brand market has improved significantly compared to the previous year.

2011 must pay attention to the new trend of clothing sales will show a significant increase in 2011, clothing prices face greater upward pressure, first, the price of apparel raw materials in 2011 is still higher; second is the shortage of labor, labor costs increase, wage costs of employees rose It will also be another thrust of the rise in apparel prices in 2011; third, such as channel costs, retail terminal costs and other increases will also become another incentive to increase prices.

The scale of online shopping will continue to grow rapidly With the gradual popularization of 3G technology applications, the rapid development of “mobile phone business” will further subvert the consumers’ clothing consumption habits, and gradually make up for the disadvantages of unattractive and non-touching textures faced by online shopping apparel. So that consumers can really buy products across the country to buy goods across the country. The scale of apparel online shopping will continue to grow rapidly.

Custom clothing will prevail in certain areas. The industrial assembly line has greatly enriched the supply of apparel products. However, with the ever-expanding consumer demand for urban white-collar workers, tailor-made garments such as tailor-made and hand-sewn garments have gradually become popular. Come, customization is gradually becoming the embodiment of identity, is an important way to meet the individual needs of consumers, increasingly favored by consumers.

Accelerated distribution of international brands in the domestic market In 2010, international apparel brands continued to open stores at a higher rate. According to statistics, in 2010, the number of H&M, Uniqlo, C&A, and other companies in Huamen stores showed a significant increase over the previous year. The international brands can continue to add new stores at a rapid rate, indicating that their sales models and branded products have been recognized by the market. There is ample room for development in the market. Therefore, it can be expected that the international brands will continue to accelerate the pace of domestic distribution in 2011. In the market, there will be more international apparel brand stores in the domestic apparel market.

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