Negotiation skills without concessions

[China Glass Network] Negotiation is to give us greater benefits. This interest refers to: tangible and intangible, perhaps it may be money or psychological feelings, through the exchange of interests and concessions between the two sides to achieve unity of interests.

Negotiation routines refer to the established way to resolve uncertain negotiations, and the success rate can be a routine in half of the situation.

Negotiation is a negotiated routine that does not require concessions and persuasion through principles, strategies, and methods.

in principle

The principle refers to the law that is followed at the beginning, the end of the negotiation, and the end.

I. Separating people and things from negotiation In the process of negotiation, people and things are not the same thing, but different aspects of the whole negotiation process.

Second, focus on the interests, not the position is short-term or costly, or can never change, but the size of the benefits can be changed.

Third, create a plan for the common interests. One party wins the party and loses the negotiation. It can't be carried out. Only when the interests of both parties are guaranteed can it be carried on. Therefore, the creation plan generally refers to the third road, not yours or mine, but ours.

4. Persistence in the use of objective standards Objective standards refer to the basis of negotiation agreed by both parties. For example, if the earth is elliptical, the totem of the Chinese nation is a dragon. Without this foundation, there is no need to negotiate. Just like Guan Gong, Qin Qiong, who wins?

First, in the sense of retreat, the details reflect dedication, professionalism, occupation, in the interests of the use of China's 5000 years of civility etiquette and modern etiquette to let the other side feel respect, in the details of customers can feel your dedication, professionalism, career, but in the interests Must persist, not humble.

Second, pay attention to feelings and adjust the mode of communication. Whoever receives it, not only the interests of the other party in the negotiation process, but also the understanding and interpretation of the individual's feelings, through the grasp of personal feelings to adjust the mode of communication to the advantage Our interests. The interaction mode refers to defining and repeating the rules of the game, the pronunciation of the voice, the behavior, and so on.

Third, pay attention to feelings to make the value clear. Many times, everyone's recognition of any value is not sufficient, because of the differences in humanistic feelings, so in the process of expressing value, the value is continuously and clearly explained. Passing not what you said? Not what you did? The key is what the other party accepts to determine whether the value is clear.


First, negotiate on the principle of time, and return to the principle at any time and when the problem arises.

Second, retreat in the feelings, adhere to the interests 1, the clothing, speech, behavioral behavior of the professional 2, the preparation work can not be divided, the preparation of a full fool can also be done, in addition to the preparation of the plan Everything except the force majeure is taken into account.

Third, pay attention to feelings and adjust the mode of communication. The mode of communication is to adjust the rhythm in the process of negotiation: Who are you? (Defining the value range of the other party) Who am I? (Defining your own value and scope) Who should you be? (Define what state the other party is in the absence of us, what state is in our state, the difference between the two types of states is the third way we want)

Third, pay attention to feelings to make the value clear that the other party does not agree with your interests, it must be that your value is not clearly stated, the value of a product is not the price, but = price + service + brand + other, so there must be a chance to The value is clear.

  Fourth, the negotiation becomes a transaction, in line with the customer's psychological change process 1. The psychological change process: the sense of trust, the need to mine, the satisfaction of the demand, the reason, the transaction, and the transaction need to give the right aspect.

2, the key is to deal: increased sense of trust, consumer risk <br> <br> Five, a third way

In the process of negotiation, using the analysis of gains and losses (materialist dialectics), any one thing or condition must have a good or insufficient side. There must be a well-understood and under-recognized side. Our key is to help customers analyze the real situation. Recognize the status quo and let customers adjust through our analysis.

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