Decorating with beaded garland--Sola Craft

1.Coil smaller sections of garland in a large, glass serving bowl. Add lemons, limes, a sprinkle of cranberries and a candle for a wonderfully decorative centerpiece for a kitchen or dining room table. 2.Lay garland across the top of a fireplace mantel. Arrange column candles, Christmas ornaments and small decorations in front of the greenery. 3.Wind Christmas garland in and out of stair balusters. Secure it with fishing line or clear zip ties that can be hidden in the foliage and behind ribbons. 4.Place lighted garland along the top of curtain rods or vertical blind tracks to softly frame your windows. 5.Drape garland over doorways. Stick removable adhesive hooks to the door frame and tuck the spine of the garland behind them. Keep the height of the tallest person in the house in mind when draping the garland at the top of the door---a face full of needles on a midnight trip to the refrigerator does not say "Happy Holidays!".