4 big mistakes in the laundry you trick it?

Do you like using hot water when washing clothes? Washing more the better? Encounter the stain should be hard to remove? · If you all think so. Well, you probably do not understand how to properly wash your clothes. Today, we came to circle a few we think, but actually wrong laundry common sense. Take a look at these incorrect laundry methods below and how many more have you committed? 1. Unbutton button and zipper pull the laundry, if the button is not unlocked, the washing machine agitation, pull the power easily make the button off, so the buttons should be unbuttoned clothes; and zipper clothes should zipper Pull well, so clothes are not easy to pull deformation. 2. Too much detergent Many people think that the use of more detergent or liquid detergent to completely remove the stains left on clothes, it is not. Too much liquid laundry is difficult to rinse, water and time-consuming. After washing clothes easy hair hard, sensitive skin groups easily lead to allergies when wearing. 3. One-time washing too much clothes Some friends may be in order to save electricity, but one-time add too much clothes to the washing machine to clean. Do not know doing so will shorten the life of the washing machine, more harm than good. 4. Do not pay attention to gasket hygiene In many cases, the residual detergent may remain in the washing machine gasket. So, wash your clothes do not immediately turn off the washing machine, to make the washing machine washers dry, will not be damp and lead to the growth of bacteria. In addition, wash the gasket with hot water and vinegar at least once a year. Do not think that the clothes thrown into the washing machine, you can easily wash clothes. In fact, laundry is a question from the University! Today's science laundry knowledge you remember? Next time, we must avoid mistakes again.