People are reborn because of faith

- DreamWorks Chairman, Cambridge apparel distributor in China Wang Yang entrepreneurial insights Wang Yang Introduction DreamWorks chairman - Wang Yang, with the team successfully packaged and promoted the FIYTA watches, Mrs. Oral, Paiduyangyan capsules, Chen's success Learn, and Li Yang Crazy English and other products ... ... due to the surprisingly successful enterprises to help endanger, became the industry's famous "Wang Yang remedy." In 2009 by the British Cambridge apparel distributor in China, will use the experience of different industries to subvert China's fashion industry. Today is my birthday, and today I must make a meaningful event to commemorate - which means that I will have a meaningful year. Birthday day, I will write a poem or write an article to inspire me, to show how I want to enter the new year ...... This habit has left me for 30 years. I was going to sleep at 4 am today. I felt uncomfortable with what I was wearing. So I decided to go to Lotus Hill for a kite. Because today's teacher Chen An wants to see our clothes, I need to stay energetic and intelligent. I want to borrow a kite. To the Father, please show me how to go next? To Lotus Hill, a trace of the breeze did not, the mountain was covered with a kite, no one can put a kite, I secretly determined: "I must let go, or I can not do this new business!" So I started Pulling a kite mad run, there are elderly people shouting: "young man, useless, no wind you run no use!" I do not listen, has been using a variety of ways to run the kite, and finally kite rose to the air, Sweat soaked my body, but I am very proud, because I am the only person in the square to enjoy the kite in the air. At this time, Father in heaven quietly told me a truth: "When the wind is large, the average person can easily fly the kite; and when there is no wind, people should work hard to move up, when you breathless , Sweat clip to run to a pole, the kite will rise to the height of another air flow and stable, at this time, you can enjoy the results of their own efforts. "Others always love to ask me:" Why you DreamWorks Do you know the clothing? "I usually reply:" Because we have been around for 8 years in the teacher Chen An, seeing him help each one of the children in rural areas, into a charming, elegant and handsome super lecturer ... ... So, we believe that people's image can be learned, and become handsome and beautiful. "Thanks to Chen Anzhi teacher In recent years, led me and my wife to know the brand-name way of life, we believe in the guidance of Chen Under, will certainly be able to help more people, live a high quality of life, from the appearance to the heart to change their own image and destiny. Chen Anzhi's teacher gave me one of the biggest "birthday cakes" today - he was trying on Cambridge apparel in the "Cambridge Model Shop" at 35 West LG West, CITIC Plaza, Shenzhen, less than a week from now until 21 am , And told me and my wife, "the world's richest man in the apparel industry and the world's richest man in the law of success," talked about four in the morning. On the 5th of October, when teacher Chen Anzhi went to Cambridge, he last night taught me the price, the color and the display needed to be improved. All of us listened to it and the store immediately had the feeling of "wow!" , We signed for the second time a contract that will surely shake the national fashion circle. Teacher Chen An officially became the shareholder of DreamWorks (for that day I waited for him for eight years), teacher Chen Anzhi and became the general consultant of marketing for Cambridge apparel. TV series "soldier assault" that silly Xu San-long, why the hundreds of millions of Chinese people? Become a generation of Chinese idol? Xu San more often talked about the mouth: "Yes, I believe!" He was fond of the squad leader to say, he fools commander commander set unreasonable goals ... ... Results He was despised from a rural silly Child, turned into a hero-like warrior. My friend Fung Fung Fortune Club's president, said a section of the difference between the classic people, he said there are three kinds of people in this world: the first person - he believes he has seen the fact ... This is the average person . The second person, who has seen the truth, said: "I do not believe it!" ... It is idiotic. The third person - he believes he has seen it in his heart, but the reality has not happened ... This is an extraordinary person, a superman, a leader, who can act ahead of the average person in advance and seize the opportunity ahead of time. As a result, More rich than the average person! The third kind of people is: when still climbing the snow mountain saw the new China's Mao Zedong; still in the garage business, saw the personal computer will be placed on everyone's table Bill Gates .... billion people worldwide to read There is a great deal of note about "faith." Mighty men act by faith, not by sight. My life can run ahead of others many times and achieve great accomplishments, each time because I believe what I saw in my heart, but the reality has not happened ...