"Sugar Friends" should attach importance to regular inspections during the winter to wear loose cotton shoes

In the winter, blood sugar levels are most likely to increase. This is because on the one hand, the decrease in temperature will stimulate the sympathetic nerves, increase the secretion of catecholamines in the body, and cause blood sugar fluctuations. On the other hand, decreased winter exercise, increased appetite, but also cause elevated blood sugar.

Experts believe that in the winter, people with diabetes should pay more attention to regular inspections and monitoring, and at the same time strengthen self-care, and improve their resistance to disease through proper training and other methods.

Preventive tests do not give the patient a chance

There are many factors affecting the condition of diabetes in winter, such as climate, mood fluctuations, dietary changes and so on. According to doctors, when the mood of a diabetic patient fluctuates, the sympathetic nerves are stimulating and will promote the release of glycogen from the liver into the blood stream, which will increase blood sugar levels. In addition, winter sweating will decrease, secretion of various digestive fluids will increase, and appetite will increase. Causes blood sugar to rise. The direct consequence of the increase in blood glucose is to cause the disease to worsen or reduce the therapeutic effect, so that the original diabetes can not be easily controlled, and even cause serious consequences such as ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar coma.

Doctors Weapons: For those patients with insignificant symptoms, it is best to have a regular and comprehensive physical examination, including blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood glucose, as early as possible after entering the winter. The overall assessment of the physical condition and the degree of disease risk; symptomatic patients, more To strengthen blood glucose monitoring, including fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin and blood glucose fluctuations monitoring. Once the condition changes, do not let it go and you should see the doctor in time.

Targeted inspections prevent complications

The complications and even mortality of complications of diabetes are relatively high. According to statistics, about 20% - 40% of diabetic patients have autonomic neuropathy, especially cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy, and their mortality due to myocardial infarction is more than 2 times higher than other people. And because the neuropathy causes pain to fail, it is very likely that the patient will not feel pain until the disease occurs, which is dangerous. The amputation rate of diabetic foot is 15 times that of non-diabetic patients; in addition, the risk of complications such as hypertension and stroke is equally high.

Doctors' tricks: Regular examinations of diabetic patients help monitor the development of the condition and provide the basis for treatment. It is recommended that patients with poor blood glucose control or critically ill patients should be monitored at least 4 times a day; blood pressure, pulse weight and waist-hip circumference should be measured once a month; urine should be checked every 15 days to 30 days or be prescribed by a doctor; urine routine Check once a month; Glycated hemoglobin is checked once every 2-3 months; Urine microprotein is checked every six months to one year; Eyes are checked every six months to one year; Liver function, renal function, and lipid status are Half a year to 1 year check or compliance.

Amount of exercise stabilizes blood sugar

In addition to eating in strict accordance with the recipes formulated by dietitians, proper exercise of diabetic patients can also stabilize blood sugar. However, the exercise of diabetic patients must be well controlled so as not to cause unnecessary harm. In addition, sugar can be evaluated and judged by some simple methods.

Doctors Weapons: Morning exercise should avoid cardiovascular diseases caused by cold air stimuli. It is best to go out and walk after the temperature rises. Before exercise, blood glucose must be self-monitored to avoid exercise at high blood sugar (above 16 millimoles/liter) or low blood glucose (less than 3.6 millimoles/liter), otherwise metabolic disorders may result. Avoid breathing difficulties, dizziness, headaches, and pale complexions during exercise. After exercise, it feels slightly sweaty and mildly sore muscles. After a short rest period of 5-10 minutes, the heart rate can be restored to the pre-exercise level. It feels relaxed and enjoyable. The next day is energetic and suitable for exercise.

In addition, the sport must persist for a long time and become a habit of daily life. At present, some specialized hospitals have specialized health care practitioners. Sugar Friends may wish to find them to open a professional exercise prescription and diet prescription.

Cold and warm than anti-treatment important

Cold stimulation, can promote high blood pressure, coronary spasm, cerebral hemorrhage easily induced, myocardial infarction embolism; and winter appetite increased significantly, significantly reduced outdoor activities, can also lead to elevated blood sugar. Therefore, we should pay attention to keeping warm and warm, and increase the number of clothes in time.

Particular attention should be paid to the protection of the feet in the winter. Diabetics often have vascular insufficiency and neuropathy, local blood circulation disorders, and sensation of dullness, as well as skin damage or foot infections, may develop into ulcers, or even serious infections or gangrene.

Doctors Weapons: Diabetics are advised to wear loose cotton shoes, often change socks, keep their feet clean and dry, and wash their feet for 15 minutes every night with hot water at about 45°C to improve local blood circulation. At the same time to prevent falling injury, you can not tore your hands and scratch the toes to prevent skin damage. Blood glucose testing in winter is also important. Those with mild disease can be tested in half a month. Those with severe illness can be tested for 3 to 5 days or once a day. They often contact the doctor.

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