The Nestle Ice Brand Cream this year's new hit "low sugar card"

The Nestle Ice Brand Cream this year's new hit "low sugar card"

Nestle's many ice creams this year are all products with low sugar content. The industry believes that this is the company's response to rising sugar prices. Nestlé said that its ice cream production will not increase prices this year.

Nestlé introduced 20 Nestlé ice cream products this spring. The single product price ranges from 1 to 5 yuan, while the family and multi-pack products range from 5.5 to 18 yuan. The price is relatively stable. Among them, several ice creams, such as the "X Bitter Bigfoot" and "Funny Worm," are all low sugar products.

In this regard, an industry source said that low sugar content is a new trend in the food and beverage market in early spring this year, which is in line with the development trend of healthy food, but also reduces the pressure on the company caused by rising sugar prices.

Dong Haoqin, director of ice cream business in Nestle Greater China, denied the speculation yesterday. He said that the launch of new ice cream products is to cater to consumers' different tastes. The pressure brought by rising sugar prices will be absorbed by the company through cost control. But he also said that if sugar prices continue to rise, it will indeed increase the company's cost pressures.

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