How to deal with the situation where the jade bracelet can not be detached

Some jade bracelet junior players often face the situation where the jade bracelet can not be detached. For this situation, we recommend that everyone take precautions. When purchasing the jade bracelet, carefully measure the size of your hand, buy a slightly larger jade bracelet, and come back. Introduce some ways to detach the jade bracelet.

Apply the right amount of hand sanitizer to the hand that wears the jade bracelet. Especially the more prominent joints are the key parts. Don't pull hard, it is very likely that the jade bracelet will slip off or hurt your hand. If the hand is really hurt and swollen, don't detach the jade bracelet at this time. It is best to wait for the injury in your hand. Take off, use the clever force to not use brute force, slowly turn the jade bracelet to move gently.

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