Spain's textile and apparel industry employs about 42,000 people

For the textile part of the textile and garment industry, according to 2011.3.15. "EFE" quoted the Spanish Textile Industry Union (Texfor) data, last year, Spain's textile industry revenue of 5,270 million euros, an increase of 7% over 2009, for the first time since 2005, growth, export value of 2.5 billion 5,500 10,000 euros, an increase of 14%, of which the EU accounts for 2/3, other markets include Romania, Bulgaria and North Africa.

Spain’s current main objective is to increase exports to markets in Brazil, China, Japan, and the United States; the import amount is 2.8 billion euros, an increase of 13%.

The association places special emphasis on the market potential of functional fabrics in the sanitary, military and public sectors. The main difficulties facing the industry include: rising raw materials, rising electricity prices and difficulties.

The Spanish textile industry employs about 42,000 people. Spain's textile industry-related guilds are integrated into the TEXFOR-Confederacióndela Industria Textil by the Aitpa-Asociación Industrial Textildel Proceso Algodonero, the FTS-Federación Textil Sedera, the Fitexlan-Federacióndela Industria Textil Lanera and the Textile Processing and Dyeing Association. (Fnaett-Federación Nacional de Acabadores, Estampadoresy Tintorores Textiles).

Since the global economic tsunami, the unemployment rate in Spain has exceeded 20%, which is the highest unemployment rate in the Eurozone. The purchasing habits of consumers have gradually shifted to price-based, and many high-end brand names have also reduced storefronts. However, Spain is still the most important brand in Europe. country.

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