Identification of Black Pearls

Identification of Black Pearls To distinguish dyed black pearls, it is difficult or difficult to say. By mastering the following common sense, with your eyesight, you can know that you are not apart.

Colors - Black pearls have light gray to black shades, and its beauty lies in the dark tone. Slowly turning the black pearl, you can see a slight flash of rainbow light constantly changing, no two black pearls are exactly the same. If you see a bunch of (even a few) dark, uniform blackish-looking colors, you're almost sure that it's a dyed bead. Dyeing beads are sluggish, and darker blacks accumulate where the holes are drilled.

Shape - Is the black pearl you see particularly round? Fine round black pearls are extremely rare and of high value. Typical black pearls are oblate, pear-shaped, elliptical, irregular, and many have enamel and loops. So if you see a "valued black pearl" and the skin is smooth and round, it may be stained.

Size - The diameter of seawater beads in China or Japan is usually not more than 9 mm, while the diameter of black pearls is at least 8 to 9 mm, so round black pearls less than 8 mm are mostly dyed beads.

Price - Is the black pearl you see surprisingly cheap? Usually an 8-mm round black pearl costs more than a thousand yuan. The same size of dyed black pearls is only worth one or two hundred dollars, which is also very important.

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