The top luxury brand Cartier round watch perfect appearance

The top luxury brand Cartier round watch perfect appearance

After a mysterious time tunnel, a wonderful space of 3600 is displayed. Surrounded by a huge projection screen, beautiful and elegant ballet, classic luxury watches, dazzling stars, all Life's favorites are all around the same moment, and within easy reach... this is very creative The "Louis Cartier Round Watch" released a grand ceremony.

The rotunda of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is full of "round elements" at the moment. In the exquisite display, Cartier Antique watches with perfect round design elements each have a long history background. The galleries next to the exhibition area of ​​the antiques table let guests know more about the original intention of the new Ronde Louis Cartier “Roy Cartier round watch” designed by Cartier: the circle symbolizes the everlasting and everlasting law of heaven and earth. The circle represents the auspicious wish for perfection and happiness. Eight special photographs depict the round deduction and its wonderful connection with the new round watch in the history of architecture such as the Arc de Triomphe, the Temple of Heaven, the moon and the stars, the conch shell, and the typical "circle" in nature. All of this gives guests an expectation of the latest masterpiece of "Royal Cartier Round Watch", which inherits a century-old classic and has a beautiful meaning.

Walk through the gallery and enter a 3600 stage. The beautiful ballet is mapped to a huge circular projection screen through advanced technology. At the sight of everyone, Mr. Lu Huiquan, Chief Executive Officer of Cartier Greater China, took a special key from the famous host Yuan Ming and opened a mysterious gate: as a special guest of the “La Tour de Cartier Round Watch”. The international star, Mr. Liang Chaowei, appeared on the scene with a smile. The 3600's projection screen also projected his figure wearing a “Louis Cartier round watch” to all guests. Wei Tsai's smile, as always, is low-key, and as always, people are irresistible. Like the Louis Cartier round watch he wears, the design is simple and subtle, but it has indescribable charm. Luxury, elegance, dignity... These slightly abstract vocabularies were interpreted vividly at the moment when he and the watch appeared.

“Today’s event is the first stop of the “Road Cartier Round Watch China Tour”. The entire tour starts in Shanghai, passes through 20 major cities in the country, and finally ends in Beijing. This is in fact Cartier on the Chinese territory. The perfect 'circle' drawn represents Cartier's deepest wishes for China." The words of Mr. Lu Huiquan, CEO of Cartier Greater China, let people understand the profound intentions of this classic brand, and let us appreciate the classic square watch like Cartier Tank, Santos, etc. We have another reason to follow Cartier and witness the brand's endless creativity.

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