Intellectual women wearing the daily temperament ready to come out

Out of the campus, into the community, everyone's experience is also slowly increasing. After a long period of time, many things have been bearish, but only their own good, wonderful is the most important thing in this life. A bearish fame and fortune, secular people, are often particularly flavor, especially connotation, special than intellectual. So this type of person, how to dress with everyday? With Xiaobian to see the following Tai Wo brand women ! Elegant tempered ready.

太和 - TAHAN

All people who have looked bearish, naturally, will not compete with them, all in the dressing also pay attention to "low profile." Such an elegant beige single product, both inside and outside have revealed an elegant temperament. Then your "low profile" tends to become "high profile," and the person who wears clothing like this can be the center of attention.

知性女人的日常穿着 优雅气质呼之欲出

Do not drift, choose a suitable clothes is their own little perfect release. A navy blue dress, elegant to impeccable. With a white casual suit, oriental women graceful elegance ready to come.

Picture Source: Tai Wo women

T Shirt

A T-Shirt can be worn all year round, it can bring coolness in summer, and can be used as an inner wear in autumn and winter.